4000 Middlefield Road
Palo Alto, California 94303

We’ve all had the experience of learning a few things The Hard Way.

- Have a good story a tool you love?
- Bought a tool you hate?
- Got a hot tip on an easier way to do something?
- Found a great source for hard-to-find tools or materials?
- Or a lesson to share about how NOT to do it The Hard Way?

Metalsmith and jewelry artist Edith Sommer can hardly wait for this meeting to happen and for all attendees to learn and share their own "Hot Tips, Neat Tricks and Cool Tools"

Don’t be bashful; all experience levels are encouraged to participate. Consider it a challenge to come up with at least 5 tips, tricks, or tools to share. This is an audience participation event and you can help make it a success.

Standard jewelry studio equipment and tools will be available if you need to use them in a demonstration.

Parking lots V & F at Cubberley Community Center
Download a meeting flyer and directions at http://maasv.org/

Your favorite snacks to share are welcome!

Official Website: http://maasv.org/

Added by maasv_pr on June 15, 2009

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