5455 E High Street
Phoenix, Arizona 85054

Find out why M.E.O.W. is being covered nationally by TLC, USAToday - and locally by AZ Republic, Fox 10 News, 96.9 and many more! It's for younger men who want to date CLASSY older women (not cougars) who know what they want, are successful, and fun to be with. Join us in the VIP area and receive a complimentary Martini/Beverage. Enjoy Happy Hour, special prize drawings, and meeting great singles!
This event is for women ages 35-55 and men ages 23-42 (give or take 2 years).
Preregister on line @ http://www.joanncohen.com for $15 by 5/25, or $20 in advance / $25 cash at the door

Added by mombryson on May 19, 2010

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