777 Concord Ave Suite 301
Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138

Does your baby turn her head to just one side? Kick with just one leg? Scoot instead of crawl? Does your 2 year old teeter and fall more than other children? Have trouble coordinating arms and legs? Does your 4 year old run awkwardly? Unable to jump or skip? Or still go down stairs one leg at a time? Is your 6 year old having trouble focusing at school? Is your 8 year old easily frustrated or struggling with reading and writing? Does your 10 year old have headaches, neck or knee pain?

Joined by Brain Gym® specialist, Eve Kodiak, Dr. Knutson offers some insights into hidden biomechanical injury and its possible effects on your child’s normal development!

Official Website: http://www.lydiancenter.com

Added by hopkintk on November 2, 2008

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