corner of Baxter Boulevard and Pebble Street
Portland, Maine 04101

The Loco Luv2Run Portland 5K Race Series is running the old fashioned way --- scenic off road courses --- great competition --- no rock bands --- fresh fruit & pastires --- no squeezable yogurt --- beautiful T-Shirts --- useful awards (pint glasses) --- plain water, not flavored water --- plus bad jokes by the race director before and after the race!!!

Pre-Entry Fee: $16.00 --- Post Entry Fee: $20.00
The top 3 men & women, and the top 2 men and women in 10 year age groups win Luv2Run 5K Pint Glasses!!!

Colorful Luv2Run T-Shirts, guaranteed to all entrants

Hugh raffle including: Hanteens, 3CRP Hats, RoadID Kits, FuelBelts, & more.

Goodie bags to all entrants.

Official Website:

Added by gigipa on July 2, 2010

Interested 2