1100 Carnegie Ave
Cleveland, Ohio 44115

Now more than ever information on ways to obtain funding for your company is critical. Join us for a lunch program featuring Liz Powell, Esq, MPH, Principal, G2G Consulting as she explains ways to access government funds. Liz has secured 8 earmarks in last year’s federal
appropriations bills totaling $8 million. She is an attorney with over a dozen years of government relations background, including serving as Legislative Director on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C.
Dean Brainard, Director of Congressional Relations with the Ohio Aerospace Institute will also be speaking to share his organization's experience in obtaining funding.

CES members free, nonmembers $35

Official Website: http://www.cesnet.org/evtView.asp?evtID=128

Added by cesdawn on October 22, 2008

Interested 2