701 First Avenue
Sunnyvale, California CA

The grass is green and the sheep are back to graze on the wetlands. It must be time for another Lunch 2.0 at Yahoo!. Join us in Sunnyvale at noon, on Thursday, April 30, for a first look at some exciting new features of YQL (Yahoo’s Query Language ). YQL lets you Select* from the Internet -- query, filter, and join data across web services from anywhere on the net. Apps run faster with fewer lines of code and a smaller network footprint. Come see how sweet it is, talk to the YQL developers, see what what’s coming up next.

The YSlow team will also be on hand to show the latest release of YSlow, now with Smushit integration.

Note: Seating is limited, so get here on time!


Added by Yahoo Developer Network on April 8, 2009



Sounds fun! I am going. :D


no big deal just let it start

