What a fitting host for a social event! LinkedIn has just moved into some new offices and launched a new blog; to celebrate, they’re hosting a Lunch 2.0 for the community :)
Official Website: http://www.lunch20.com/2007/04/27/lunch-20-linkedin/
Added by steveganz on April 27, 2007
We're 2 weeks away from the event and as of today (5/9) we've received 78 RSVPs in addition to the 28 on this site.
Join us for a great time, fun, games, & lunch.
p.s. If you've confirmed via the Lunch 2.0 blog, please don't re-confirm on this post as well. No double counting. Thanks!
Looking forward
Thanks for the invitation, Mitch. I wish all of you at LinkedIn even more success.
Looking forward to checking it out!
As of 05/01, we've 49 RSVP'd through the Lunch 2.0 blog! Spread the message.