Webtrends and Network Redux will be co-hosting Lunch 2.0 at Webtrends' HQ in downtown Portland on Wednesday, June 16, 2010.
Are you vegan or vegetarian? Please leave a comment so we can plan food accordingly. Thanks.
Wondering what Lunch 2.0 is?
Lunch 2.0 is a phenomenon that began in Silicon Valley. You can read about their current events and the history behind Lunch 2.0 at lunch20.com.
We imported the concept to Portland in 2007, and you can follow all things Portland Lunch 2.0 at the Silicon Florist.
Official Website: http://siliconflorist.com/2010/04/25/webtrends-network-redux-cohost-lunch-20-june-16/
Added by Jake Kuramoto on April 25, 2010
Vegan please, thanks.
Also vegetarian
Also vegan. :)
Not a Vegan. I'll take some meat.
For all the Vegetarians, we'll have Grilled Zucchini, Eggplant and Roasted Pepper sandwiches! See you soon!
Event poster and more details here:
Looking forward to it.... meat for me, please!
BACON! does this shindig cost anything?
edit: Garett Stenson says:
June 14, 2010 at 11:21 am
Nope – free event and free lunch will be provided by Webtrends and Network Redux.
Looks interesting. I'll take whatever food's being dished out :-)
Salad would be wonderful!
Vegan, please!
+1 vegan, please
**I noticed the veggie sandwich on the menu, however, it specifically mentions an aioli (mayonnaise based) on it. This would make the sandwich alright for vegetarians but not acceptable for vegans unless the aioli is either left off or a vegan version is used.
Vegan bodybuilder. Need my man protein without lips.
vegan please. thanks.
Hey pdx.yogini - Aioli will be served on the side - Vegan's rejoice!
Vegetarian please.