WebTrends wants to have you over for lunch to chew the fat and show you their new product, Analytics 10.
Are you vegan or vegetarian? Please leave a comment so we can plan food accordingly. Thanks.
Wondering what Lunch 2.0 is?
Lunch 2.0 is a phenomenon that began in Silicon Valley. You can read about their current events and the history behind Lunch 2.0 at lunch20.com.
We imported the concept to Portland in 2007, and you can follow all things Portland Lunch 2.0 at the Silicon Florist.
Official Website: http://siliconflorist.com/2011/04/09/lunch-webtrends/
Added by Jake Kuramoto on April 9, 2011
Vegan Please!
Veggie please
Vegetarian please!
Veggie please!
Looking forward to it! +1 vegetarian please. :)
Vegetarian, please.
+1 vegan, thanks!
Veg as well please.
veggie choice would be nice, please.
Another vote for veggie.
Beef. Lots of beef ;-)
Awesome and exciting!
Vegetarian/gluten-free please!