20 Talbot Ave
Somerville, Massachusetts 02144

Boston Modern Orchestra Project (BMOP) presents a concert featuring the work of woman composers, including music of Chen Yi, Judith Weir, and Jennifer Johnson. Founded in 1996 by Artistic Director Gil Rose, BMOP is widely recognized as the leading orchestra in the United States dedicated exclusively to performing new music, and its signature record label, BMOP/sound, is the nation's foremost label launched by an orchestra and solely devoted to new music recordings. BMOP's mission is to illuminate the connections that exist naturally between contemporary music and contemporary society by reuniting composers and audiences in a shared concert experience.

Distler Performance Hall. Tickets are free with a Tufts I.D. card (limit two per I.D.) and $10 general admission. Call 617.627.3679 for tickets. This concert has been made possible by the Granoff Music Fund.

Added by Granoff Music Center on September 2, 2010