LOW SF and Vessel
Look Out Weekend
Every Friday from 4-9pm at Vessel
The perfect happy hour has the unmatched ability to draw a crowd who, despite their different occupations, can rejoice
in their common desire to get loose after work. Look Out Weekend celebrates this vast diversity of downtown San
Francisco and hosts a bevy of talented performers and DJs each week. As evening turns to night, we kick it into high-
gear and set the tempo for a couple of days of debauchery. Here are the details:
No cover!
Hosted bar from 4-5:30pm by Fernet Branca and Corralejo Tequila!
$6 SHOT/Budweiser or Bud Light combo's all night.
$6 select top-shelf cocktails
$4 appetizers
$3 Budweiser or Bud Light
Friday, April 24th
Look Out Weekend presents West Addy
Downtown’s premier happy-hour event is getting it’s hands dirty with Haight Street’s finest on April 24th. West Addy
brings their party’s unique brand of gutter funk to Vessel, showcasing the talents of foul-mouthed rapstresses Toast put DJs White Girl Lust and Sam FM in a whole new context.
Party with us as the financial district collides with the art
underworld. The open bar from 4-5:30pm and $1 beers is sure to soften the blow.
85 Campton Place, off Stockton between Sutter and Post.
Official Website: http://www.lowsf.com
Added by lowsf on April 20, 2009