3 Pier Street
Perth, Western Australia 6000

Love Child is a moving drama about a reconciliation between a reluctant mother and the daughter she gave away at birth. Anna is a successful film editor in her 40s who lives alone in a cold, stylish apartment until a young woman called Billie arrives unexpectedly at her door. Billie acts in soap operas and is searching for her birth mother. Together these two fractured women confront the implications of distance; between then and now, between generations and between the one who gave away and the one who was let to go.

Starring Amanda Muggleton (Prisoner, Steaming, Shirley Valentine) Love Child resonates with universal themes - parent-child relatiions, redemption and the need for love - and takes audiences on an emotion-charged journey from anger and remorse to excitement and joy.

Official Website: http://www.bocsticketing.com.au/get_events_info.asp?id=CHILD06

Added by Simone van Hattem on July 13, 2006