31 W Ohio
Chicago, Illinois 60610

-Round table discussion-
Christopher Maurer is the Department of Modern Languages chairman at Boston University. A leading expert on Lorca in North America, Maurer has published. He has published multiple studies and editions of Lorca's works of poetry and theater, as well as various other kinds of Lorca's creations. Manuel Ángel Vázquez Medel, professor of literature at the University of Seville, is one of the leading experts on the Generación del 27 poets, in particular Lorca and Cernuda. They will both discuss the Lorca that could have been and his ambition to create a new aesthetic language that integrated all the arts together.

Official Website: http://chicago.cervantes.es/Cultura/Fichas/Ficha46404_47_2.htm

Added by Instituto Cervantes-Chicago on February 21, 2008