Hammersmith Road
London, England

Our LONE WORKER SAFETY 2012 will be structured around lone worker safety and focus on health & safety professionals, lone workers themselves, managers, team leaders and senior members of staff who work within organisations where lone working takes place.

Our 2011 event was attended by professionals from a variety of sectors e.g. public sector enforcement, housing, social and health care, nursing, utilities field representatives and public transport. However, we would like to welcome everyone who shares our genuine passion for lone worker safety or lone worker protection.

Information, which will help our delegates to improve the personal safety of lone workers and help reduce the risk of workplace violence will be provided to our new delegates, but please be assured that also those who have attended our previous events will benefit from up-to-date information and the great selection of topics and speakers we have chosen for 2012.

Official Website: http://www.loneworkersafetyexpo.com

Added by LONE WORKER SAFETY EXPO on July 11, 2012