Note the new venue. Enough people have registered with Skills Matter that they've upgraded the venue. It's close to the traditional venue, just follow this map: http://tinyurl.com/2bjjzz
A Show'n'Tell evening for the local ruby community to show off code they've written.
Have you got a gem, plugin, app, script, rake task, .irbrc or script you've written that you secretly love? Then shout it from the metaphorical rooftop that is LRUG.
All that shouting will make us thirsty, so we'll head to the pub afterwards.
Registration with the hosts Skills Matter (http://www.skillsmatter.com/event/ruby-on-rails/show-n-tell-soup-and-vanilla-rak-juggernaut-and-more) is pretty much mandatory so they can manage the room properly. Early registration is better as it gives them a better chance at booking a larger venue should we need it.
Official Website: http://lrug.org/meetings/2008/03/16/april-2008-meeting
Added by h-lame on March 16, 2008