Berkshire House, 168-173 High Holborn
London, United Kingdom, England WC1V 7AA

SSL is the technology that secures the Internet, but it only works how you're expecting when used properly, and when configured properly. Also, SSL has traditionally added overhead to the process and as such may not be used in cases when it really should be - perhaps due to the perceived overhead, or perhaps due to the difficulty in deploying to an environment. What we're looking to discuss is the fundamentals:

a) what is the problem if we're not using SSL? We'll be looking to demo some of these (e.g. Firesheep)
b) if we are using SSL, can we have some on SSL and some not? What would that look like as an implementation?
c) what are the gotchas with SSL? Or, what are the issues that can lead to SSL not actually securing you?

Official Website:

Added by rrees on January 13, 2011