37-63 Southampton Row
London, England WC1B 4DA

As we promised at the end of BarcampLondon6 (and then totally failed to follow through) it's time for the BarcampLondonPlanningAssociation (BCLPA for short) GeekDinner. We rounded up most of the organisation members and volunteers to come along there will be a short presentation on the future of BarCampLondon and answer any questions anyone might have.

This GeekDinner is not just an event where we can brag about BCL6, but it's also your chance to become part of the BCPLA and help determining the future of BarCampLondon by becoming a full member, or a volunteer. So if you loved previous BarCamps and would love to organise one or something similar, come along and let us know!
Venue will be announced this week.

Official Website: http://geekdinner.co.uk/2009/06/12/geekdinner-on-the-future-of-barcamplondon/

Added by cbetta on June 12, 2009