A motley and muttley collection of gamers from every ilk and whim of the field (from ARGs and RPGs to PS3s and Ninty Wiis, and also pool because there's a pool table) gather downstairs at the College Arms to chat, compare, discuss, show off, swap and sometimes actually play stuff. Turn up, introduce yourself, bring something curious, and have something interesting to say.
Likely topics of discussion this month: what impact D&D4e will have; just how bad the English-language rules for Puerto Rico are; is Bioshock as good as the demo suggests it may be; and can I join your WoW guild?
There may be a games quiz. If there is a quiz, there may be prizes.
Official Website: http://games.groups.yahoo.com/group/londongamergeeks/
Added by YojimboUK on August 17, 2007