6800 w. 43rd St
Stickney, Illinois 60402

The Stickney - Forest View Public Library will be celebrating 75 years of the first community library! The theme chosen for 2010's Anniversary Celebrations is "Hungry for Knowledge? Read".

Create a logo for the Stickney - Forest View Public Library District's celebration of 75 years of the community library. Submissions of qualifying nature will be used in all publications during the 2010 celebration. The logos in this contest will be judges by varied panel of judges.

Creativity, originality, representation of the anniversary theme, aesthetics, will all be used to measure the logo’s merit. All entries should be original work and may not have been used prior for any reason.

Logos should include the phrase, “Hungry for Knowledge? Read” somewhere in the design. Logos should not be smaller than 4”x5” and no larger than 8” x 10”. Logos maybe colored, drawn, sketched, or computer generated. Computer generated logos should be sent in JPEG format. (No animation may be used.)

Send logos to [email protected] or deliver to the Library. Include your name, email address, phone number and your address.

This contest is void where prohibited. All submissions become the shared property of artist and the Stickney – Forest View Public Library District. Entries must be received by June 30, 2009. Any prizes will be at the sole discretion of the Stickney – Forest View Public Library District. The entry must be your original design, and not a copy that may be subject to copyright laws.

The first winning entry will receive recognition and 1 ticket to a main event during the 2010 anniversary. The top twelve winning entries will be recognized in the 2010 Library calendar. All entrants meeting guideline and rule requirements will receive a library anniversary celebration book bag packet.

Added by Stickney on May 8, 2009

Interested 1