2200 N. Westmoreland Street, Arlington, VA 22213
Washington, Virginia 22213

Local author Melanie McCabe shares poems from her collection, "History of the Body."

Melanie McCabe teaches high school English and creative writing in Arlington, VA. Her work has appeared several times on Poetry Daily, as well as in BEST NEW POETS 2010, The Georgia Review, The Massachusetts Review, The Cincinnati Review, Bellingham Review, Alaska Quarterly Review, Shenandoah and numerous other journals. She has work in two Bedford-St. Martin's college textbooks.

She has been a finalist for the Mid-American Review poetry contest, the Bright Hill Press Book Prize, the Wabash Poetry Prize, the Pablo Neruda Prize, the May Swenson Award and the Walt McDonald First-Book Prize.

Some of her new work will appear this spring in Southern Poetry Review, Moon City Review, Nimrod and Atlanta Poetry Review.

Added by One More Page Books on February 28, 2013