320 S. Cambridge Lane (Corner of Butler and Sawmill Rd.)
Flagstaff, Arizona 86001

Discover products that can enhance your well-being.
Meet Denley Fowlke, health researcher and co-owner of
Sunwarrior, Thursday, April 14 at 6 pm at New Frontiers
Natural Marketplace and learn how to improve your digestion,
what kind of protein your body needs and how to minimize
doctor visits. Other discussion topics include: the importance
of minerals, raw foods and sprouting, super foods and how to
make delicious green smoothies.
Denley Fowlke has been involved in the health field for
over 30 years. Denley and his wife, Jan, helped their baby
girls overcome a life threatening disease through proper
nutrition. Thirty years later, their girls are beautiful, healthy
mothers with 6 children each. While enduring health problems
of his own, Denley searched for answers to heal his own body
and discovered nutritional information that he dispenses in
his lectures. Denley's motto is: “You are what you eat or you
are what you don't eliminate.” Denley and Jan are former owners of a health
food store in St. George, Utah and have lived on mostly raw foods
for over 12 years. Denley is co-founder of Sunwarrior, has a
passion for health and loves to share his knowledge and teach
the Sunwarrior way.

Added by priyadrews on March 15, 2011

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