40 Triangle Center
Yorktown Heights, New York 10598

Open to people living with breast, ovarian or gynecological cancer. To learn more or to pre-register (pre-REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED) call Support Connection at 914-962-6402 or 800-532-4290.

Feeling alone is common when you have been diagnosed with cancer, and living alone with the diagnosis and treatment brings additional challenges If you have asked yourself questions such as How will I pay the bills if I cannot work? or How will I get to appointments if I am too ill to drive? you are not alone.

Join other women in an open discussion and share your concerns, information and strategies for coping. The goal is to help each participant find support by connecting to other women in similar situations. The discussion will be led by two of Support Connection’s trained support group facilitators who are cancer survivors themselves.

Added by barbaracervoni on August 17, 2012

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