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Houston, Texas 77042

The terms Fair Lending and UDAAP tend to strike fear and panic in the hearts of many financial industry professionals due to their over-arching and vastly subjective interpretations. Unlike more "traditional" regulations these two fundamental pillars of ethical banking interweave the grey areas that connect the regulatory environment with risk management. The end result is a veritable mine field for even the most seasoned financial industry professionals when it comes to balancing successful business operations and consumer protection. The goal of this webinar is to help demystify these terms and provide you with a better way forward for managing the risks associated with these aspects of consumer protection.

Why should you attend:

Current and future compliance professionals, lenders, loan originators, board of directors, senior management. Anyone responsible for the development, marketing, and sales of bank products or services.

Webinar Includes:

Q/A Session with the Expert to ask your question

PDF print only copy of PowerPoint slides

90 Minutes Live Presentation

Areas Covered in the Session:

The goal of consumer protection rules in banking

The risk scenarios UDAAP and Fair Lending create

The hidden simplicity of UDAAP and Fair Lending risk management

The pratfalls of consumer protection

The synergy between Fair Lending, UDAAP and your business goals.

Who will benefit: (Titles)

Board of Directors Members
Executive Officers
Senior Officers
Compliance Officers
Risk Managers
All commercial and consumer Lending Department employees
Bank Operations Managers
Branch Managers

About Speaker

Asaad A. Faquir is currently a Compliance Officer for a growing community bank in New England. He began his career in banking as an Operations and Management Consultant for a large multi-billion dollar bank in South Florida. Asaad has a BS in Finance from Florida State University, an MBA in Finance from Temple University and a Masters Degree in Human Resource Management from the University of Limerick in Limerick, Ireland where he focused his Masters Thesis on Strategic Leadership, while attending school as a Rotary International Ambassadorial Scholar. Asaad has conducted successful webinars in the areas of risk and compliance and has been an Adjunct Professor of Human Resource Management.

For more Detail kindly visit Us http://www.compliance2go.com/index.php?option=com_training&speakerkey=32&productKey=120

Added by Jay Sylvester on May 28, 2012

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