3635 Union Road
St. Louis, Missouri 63125

From the author of All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten comes “Uh-Oh Here Comes Christmas!” Robert Fulghum’ Uh-Oh takes a funny, heartwarming and often poignant look at the struggle to find the spirit of the holidays amid the avalanche of commercialism, stress and chaos that crashes down every December.

Friday December 18th at 7:00 pm
GreenPark Community Church/GreenPark Christian Academy
3635 Union Road
St. Louis MO 63125

Tickets on sale now: $3 adult, $1 kids(11 and under)
$5 adults, $2 kids at the door
For more information please call 314-416-7000

Added by jennmurphy5 on November 24, 2009

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