Hallesches Ufer 32
Berlin, Bundesland Berlin 10963

KRAUTOPIA presents: Bernd Witthueser!

- Bernd Witthueser plays live
- journalist Renée Zucker talks with Bernd
- live musical background: atelierTheremin

Once a member of the Kraut-folk duo Witthueser & Westrupp between 1969 and 1973, later aka Baernelli, Bernd Witthueser will now give a very special live performance at the berlin Zodiac!

The debut album of the legendary duo, "Trips + Träume" ("Trips + dreams"), was released in 1971 on the today well-known german Krautrock label "OHR". Having been a (very young!) contributor to this album classic herself, journalist/ radio moderator/ columnist Renée Zucker will stop by also to have a small chat with Bernd on the Zodiac stage ...
(about Bernd at english Wikipedia: www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Witthüser_&_Westrupp )
Bernd Witthueser will also present his brand new album "Kasablanka" - available as vinyl-lp!

The atmospheric musical background will be performed once again by Zodiac hosts atelierTheremin - mind-shattering psychedelic /neo-krautrock sounds played live on strictly analog synthesizers, theremin, wave drum & cosmic delays, steel guitar, guitarlele, voice, indian shrutibox, glöckchen & pipes by musicians Manfred Miersch, Arne Paul Neumann & Slyder Gässler, with analog visuals by Hanna Zimmermann ...

Additional canned music: rare classics of west germanys finest Krautrock taken from original vinyl records ...


Where? At the rooms of legendary former (end 60s) "ZODIAC Free Arts Lab" below the HAU2, Hallesches Ufer 32/ Grossbeerenstrasse in Kreuzberg (close to U-Moeckernbruecke) *

web.me.com/berndwitthueser/berndwitthueser/willkommen.html *
krautopia.com * ateliertheremin.org *
myspace.com/neokrautrock *

* cd Morgen im Garten des Neokrautrock by atelierTheremin review in SHINDIG! mag, UK:
..."an oddly compelling repository of solemn bleeps, buzzes, sine waves"..."You will be variously reminded of Cluster, Can and Tangerine Dream - no bad thing" (Marco Rossi)
Available at: www.krautopia.eu/Kraut-4e.html !

Added by Moses_Pray on May 27, 2010



Live in Berlin: Bernd Witthueser & atelierTheremin - Krautrock 2010 - Tuesday July 13, 2010 at 8:00pm - WAU im HAU2 *
Under current circumstances KRAUTOPIA will dedicate this show to Fritz Teufel (1943 - 2010) - R.I.P!

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