48171 Van Dyke
Shelby Township, Michigan 48317

Our Little Dragons Program is specifically designed for children ages four and five as a positive introduction to the martial arts. Our instructors will focus on improving your childs focus,control, balance, memory, coordination and discipline. Training touches on basic stances, kicking, blocking, punching and self-defense utilizing self control while building self esteem and self confidence. Your child will be learning valuable tools while having fun.

Date: Saturdays
Time: 10:00 - 10:45 am
Cost: $30 for 4 weeks
Location: Master K's of Shelby

For more information please call:
Master K's Karate of Shelby
48171 Van Dyke
Shelby Township, MI 48317

Official Website: www.masterkshelby.com

Added by masterkshelby on May 5, 2009

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