2100 Patriot Blvd
Glenview, Illinois 60026

'Little Builders' is a hands-on science exhibition for children and their parents and other caregivers. Children create, play, and learn as they explore concepts related to building, playing with air, and using simple machines. Throughout 'Little Builders,' the open-ended nature of the materials and activities allows creativity to flourish. Children are encouraged to use the exhibit in their own unique ways to personalize the learning experience. 'Little Builders' is also a learning laboratory for parents, teachers, and other care providers to observe, understand, and interact with their little builders. 'Little Builders' provides rich opportunities for role-play. Children enter the exhibit and get ready to work by putting on a hardhat and construction vest. They can see how they look in a full-length mirror and then grab a little truck pushcart and some orange rubber cones before heading off to play.

Added by Upcoming Robot on November 7, 2009