2440 Philips Rd
Lithonia, Georgia 30058

Want to sell items? Do you have items in your home that can be someone’s treasure? How about promoting your business? Get ready to reserve a table! Lithonia High School PTSA will be hosting its Spring Fling Garage Sale on April 18, 2009 from 7:00a.m. to 3:00p.m. - we had a BLAST last year.
In addition to the Lithonia High family, the Community and surrounding areas are welcome to participate. A $50 tax deductible contribution is all that is required to set up a table and sell your items for this event. All proceeds will go toward student scholarships - donations are also welcome.
Food Fun Music
A little extra change always goes a long way…………………………….spread the word!

Please contact Denise Abdel at 404-423-7889 for more details.
Nicole Fox
PTSA President

Added by nfox1970 on March 18, 2009