189 The Grove Dr
Los Angeles, California 90036

Through communication, we share information, make decisions, solve problems, and accomplish our day-to-day jobs. Learn to develop your communication skills to collaborate, make decisions, and solve problems more effectively. Make sure your communication is truly understood and that you truly understand what others tell you.

In our fun and interactive Listen Up! Communication workshop, you will learn:

* How people's perceptions and viewpoints differ
* To improve face-to-face communication
* The difference between 1-way and 2-way communication
* The skill of listening
* To improve active listening skills

A few comments from previous participants of this Listen Up! Communication workshop:

"This has been by far the most informative workshop I have ever attended. Have learned a lot and I'm sure I will apply everything learned to all parts of my life."
- Maggie Moyado, Human Resources Director, Barazani Pave Stone
"Today's workshop was all I expected it to be: fun - active - interesting - and definitely worth the time."
- Mia Basic, Sr. HR Director, Sizzler USA

This workshop is part of our monthly Compass Series leadership development program, emphasizing leadership and team-building.

HR Professionals: This program has been approved for 3.25 (General ) recertification credit hours toward PHR, SPHR and GPHR recertification through the HR Certification Institute.

Added by Tools 2 Succeed on March 27, 2010

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