111 Arlington St
Medford, Massachusetts 02155

Learn how to take information from a data source and combining it with a main document, how to manage your lists in an excel spreadsheet that changes from one merged document to the next. Learn how to create mass mailing with the aid of Word’s Mail Merge Wizard to merge a data source, such as a customer list, and a main document, such as a letter, in easy steps. Once you’ve mastered how to create a letter you will be able to apply these new skills to envelopes, labels and e-mail.
2 Thursdays, 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
March 19th & 26rd

To register for the class please call 781-483-3042 ext 101


Email the instructor at [email protected]

Official Website: http://www.wmcc.us

Added by T3 Teaching Todays Technologes on February 26, 2009