Lydney Park Estate
Lydney, England GL15 6BU

A fascinating exhibition of life drawings and sculpture, “Life As We See It”, is on show at the Garden Room at Taurus Crafts in Lydney from 7th to 31st May. The work is by artists attending the life classes run by Angela Palmer at the Mackenzie Hall in Brockweir. The human figure is the theme of the exhibition and it has inspired some unusual interpretations in a wide variety of media including some stunning work in oils, acrylics, pastels, watercolours, charcoal and ceramic.

The human body has an infinite variety of form, line and contour which express the individual character, mood and feeling of the person. These are captured in many different styles in this exciting and varied exhibition.

“We have hosted this group show for a number of years now, and the work keeps getting better. We show it in the Garden Room space and this really complements the work and creates more of a gallery feel than our exhibitions in the cafe.”
Tom Haverly Event Coordinator Taurus Crafts

The exhibition is at the Garden Room, Taurus Crafts, Lydney from Saturday 7th May to Tuesday 31st May and is open every day from 10am to 5pm. Admission is free.

Added by Wyedeantourism on May 12, 2011