4411 Montrose Boulevard
Houston, Texas 77006

Wade Wilson Art is pleased to announce an exhibit of recent photographs by Libbie Masterson in a show entitled Nuit. The exhibit opens with a reception for the artist from 6 - 8 p.m. on Friday, March 2, 2012 and will remain on view through April 14, 2012. The series Nuit will be exhibited at Wade Wilson Art as a part of the FotoFest Biennial 2012. Wade Wilson Art is located at 4411 Montrose Blvd. Suite 200, Houston, Texas, 77006.

The exhibit represents a new vision and new techniques set by the eye and the hands of Masterson. A departure from Masterson's past work, which focused on ice and rugged western landscapes, Nuit offers a viewer a glimpse into the serenity and luminosity of French topography. The images radiate the nuances of the landscape along with the light that surrounds the objects.

Libbie Masterson explains this luminous series further by stating: “NUIT is a series of photographs taken in the evening and early morning of the landscapes of France. I was very fortunate to receive the Dora Maar Residency through the Museum of Fine Arts and the Brown Foundation of Houston, giving me 6 weeks to carry out this series in the South of France, also venturing North to Paris. Using both analog and digital printing techniques, I hope to convey in this imagery the quiet of the evening and the stillness that can be felt when observing landscapes without interruption of light and even sound.

The experience of the viewer’s eyes adjusting to the light, and being able to see in the dark is carried further when the camera can collect light over a period of time. It makes what was not visible, now visible. The silhouettes of the trees, slight movement of the stars, combined with a blue tone reflect upon the experience of observing the landscape by moonlight and the earliest touch of the sun.”

For more information, please visit www.wadewilsonart.com.

Official Website: http://www.wadewilsonart.com/

Added by Juice Consulting on February 27, 2012

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