100 SE Salmon
Portland, Oregon 97214

Ways to capitalize on feeds from one Social Media Platform to another

Where: MacForce, 100 SE Salmon, Portland, OR
When: Thursday, December 9th, 2010 10am - 4pm
Price: Early-bird: $150, Regular: $199

Prerequisite: Must already have established Linked In, Facebook and Twitter Accounts. This is an Intermediate course for people already familiar with Social Media.

Social Media has become a very important piece of the Internet Marketing puzzle. In this five-hour class, Colleen Wright of Search Engine Academy Northwest will walk you through some critical components needed to create a successful Social Media campaign for your business.

You will:

-Understand what social media is and how it can help you grow your business

-Develop Goals and Strategies for your Social Media Campaign

-Work hands on with the big three platforms: Linked In, FaceBook and Twitter

Join Colleen Wright and let her help you demystify social media with strategies and tactics that will help you streamline and leverage social media for your business.

Register: http://www.regonline.com/leveraging_linkedin_facebook_and_twitter

Official Website: http://www.seotrainingnw.com

Added by l_charris on October 18, 2010

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