17905 Sky Park Circle, Suite A
Irvine, California 92614

CALLING ALL LEO'S! Come join the club! Anyone with Leo in their chart, come on down! (Non-Leo guests welcome, too.)

Launch Party for “Leo as Leaders Club” Fun and Games! Prizes! Refreshments! Introduction to Club!

Attire: Animal Prints or Party Attire

The purpose of this unique Leo as Leaders Club is to develop Leos’ natural leadership
and organizational abilities, promote servant leadership for community service projects, and provide an opportunity to network and socialize with other Leos. The club is intended for anyone with Leo in their astrological chart;
however, the club is open to all who wish to participate.

According to founder Debbie Barnett, “For thousands of years, star gazers have declared Leos to be natural leaders and the kings and queens of the zodiac. It’s time we Leos step up to the plate and take on the challenge of living up to our birthright!”

Come learn how YOU can be part of this exciting club tailor-made just for Leo’s!

Call Debbie NOW to RSVP for the launch party or to join the club!

Official Website: http://www.DebbieBarnett.com

Added by debbiebarnett on June 27, 2006

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