MacGowan Hall
UCLA, California 90024

Leftover Stories to Tell: A Tribute to Spalding Gray

?Gray?s gift was indeed poetic: confession as art. And it was a distinctive kind of performance that spawned an entire genre. He?s the father of autobiography under the footlights.?
? The Washington Post

When celebrated monologist Spalding Gray died in January 2004, he left behind a vast body of unpublished work, including excerpts from journals, short stories and poetry dating back from the early 1960s to the time of his death. In June 2006, Gray would have turned 65. In this very special reading, a lineup of celebrities and Gray?s friends come together to celebrate the work, the life and the enduring creative legacy of this one-of-a-kind American artist.

Cast varies nightly, t.b.d.

Added by claytonHowl on December 13, 2005

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