48 Albion Street
Leeds, England LS1 6AB

Open Street Map is a free editable map of the whole world. It is made by people like you, and its coming to Leeds. Walk, cycle and drive around the city, mapping the streets, points of interest, paths, parks, pubs, and whatever else you feel like doing!
We have GPS units for free use (deposit req), and full training will be given.

10:00 meet upstairs at Starbucks, Albion Street (on corner opposite boots, next and virgin) for greetings, coffee, chat and to divide the city up between participants.

1pm: At The Lounge, Merrion Street.
meet back for lunch, talks, upload, edit and see what we mapped.
afternoon, more mapping.

5pm Meeting at Victoria Hotel, Great George St. (behind town hall) for beers

later 7pmish out somewhere for dinner

Old Broadcasting House, Leeds Metropolitan University have kindly lent us the place for the day.
Thanks to Linda Broughton from New Technology Institute & Ben Dalton
from Innovation North.
Its just up the road from main university building on Woodhouse Lane, opposite the

10:30 meet and greet, then head out
1pm meet back for lunch, uploadings, chat, then head out to map
4-5pm back for final time, and head off home.

Come along for both days, one day, or part of a day, all welcome! More
details on the wiki page

Official Website: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/index.php/Leeds_Mapping_Party

Added by Tim Waters on August 9, 2007



I'd be mad for this, but I'm at a wedding far, far away. Will keep my eyes peeled for future events.


Ben Dalton and I are talking to Leeds Met to try get you OBH as a venue :) Also, if you need sponsors, there're a couple useful PR guys about that might be able to help raise a little money for food, hotels etc

Tim Waters

OBH would be a wonderful location!

Sponsorship for teas, coffees for mornings and sarnies for lunch would be great.


You wanna have a quick IM chat about it on Tues?


this is great ! finally some indepth visualisation potential in this part of the UK ding dong!


I'd love to come along, but I suspect I'm going to be busy with Pirate Day prep - I may be there for some of it!

Tim Waters

Times, venues confirmed!

All welcome even if its just for a couple of hours!