999 18th Street, Suite 3000
Denver, Colorado

LEEDTeacher is offering a one day seminar concentrating on LEED Green Associate exam preparation. Our seminar is geared towards the LEED rating system and will provide you with all the tools you needs to successfully pass the LEED® Green Associate Exam.

LEEDTeacher's seminars and workshops are interactive, intimate and intense collaborative learning experience including analysis of real-world examples of LEED principles and certified projects; study techniques that will help one become exam-prepared in as little as 20 days; supplementary study materials; ongoing phone/email support from your instructor until your test date; and more!

Our seminars are also a great way to find your place in the growing Green revolution which is predicted to create over 37 million jobs in the next 20 years in the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Industries.

Added by LEEDTeacher on August 20, 2009

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