404 3rd Ave
San Diego, California 92101

The San Diego Chinese Historical Museum is proud to present a lecture and book signing featuring author John Jung's latest book, "Sweet & Sour: Life in Chinese Family Restaurants."

Long before egg rolls and chow mein became nearly as ubiquitous as pizza and burritos, Chinese restaurants were an economic necessity for immigrant families and a means for them to cope with discrimination by introducing their culture to American society. This book combines archival research with ten individual narratives to produce a comprehensive portrait of family businesses that helped to fuse two cultures just as they combined their two cuisines. John Jung, the author of books about Chinese laundries and grocery stores, grew up in the only Chinese laundry in Macon, Georgia and is now Professor of Psychology, Emeritus at California State University. It is our great pleasure to present Professor Jung’s third lecture at the museum.
The lecture and book signing will be held in the Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Extension building at 328 J Street on Saturday, August 14th from 2:00 to 4:00 PM. Following the lecture, refreshments will be served at the reception held in the Chuang Garden at 404 Third Avenue. Admission is $2 and free for members and children under 12.
The San Diego Chinese Historical Museum is located at 404 Third Avenue in downtown San Diego. For more information, please visit our website at www.sdchm.org.

Official Website: http://www.sdchm.org

Added by SDCHM on July 27, 2010

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