Harvard Technology.Innovation.Education presents:
Learning with Virtual Peers
Justine Cassell, Northwestern University
Friday, March 3, 2006
Seminar: 11 am-1 pm, Gutman G-05
Reception: 3:30-4:30 pm, Eliot Lyman Room
Formerly a member of the MIT Media Lab, Justine Cassell is now Professor of Communication Studies at Northwestern, where she continues to do research on understanding natural forms of communication, and then creating technological tools for those forms of communication and linguistic expression to flourish in the digital world. Many of the important things children learn, especially in the early years of school, they learn informally from peers. Professor Cassell will present her research on creating virtual peers as online role models, and show footage of interaction between real and virtual children.
Added by Clampants on February 20, 2006