2218 48th Avenue
San Franciso, California 94116

Sept. 10th- Learning Annex: Natural Vision Improvement with Meir Schneider, PhD, LMT

You have the power to improve your eyesight -naturally. Most people will experience a problem with their vision in their lifetime - whether with reading, looking into the distance, night vision, from working with computers, disease, or injury. Attend this workshop to learn proven techniques, facial massage and vision exercises to prevent degenerative diseases, and to see your world with less strain, greater acuity, and a more spacious visual field. A special segment will be devoted to preventing problems related to near-vision activities - computers, jewelry making, artists, microscopes, etc.

Contact the Learning Annex at 415-788-5574

to registerclick go to http://www.learningannex.com/default.taf?sctn=U&_function=detail&cnum=290DSF

Added by school for self-healing on September 6, 2007