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London, England

Is you business struggling with high property costs, a growing trend of under-utilised office space and unpredictable maintenance costs?

Please join Bill Devereux, Estates Manager at and Kurt Mroncz, Regus, to learn how resolved their property issues and saved 50% by working with Regus to increase operational efficiency and improve client service by embracing flexible working practice.

Despite triming its portfolio in 2007, was still spending £3 million a year on property. And this figure was projected to rise year-on-year. also noticed that continous office use had declined to jsut 25%, so the need for an alternative to these expensive, under utilised premises was clear.

Since moving to a Regus flexible workspcae model, has streamlined 52 UK offices down to just nine, without losing any of its 4,000 employees. total property costs were cut in half, while reduced staff travel created further cost-saving benifits. plus,'s sales teams now use the flexible, pay as you go Regus business lounge network, so they can be more responsive and flexible in how they work. Regus provided support throughout the entire process; from scoping andf trialing the initaitive to full roll-out in all locations to communicating the change to's employees.

*** Webinar postponed from Thursday December 2, 2010 to Thursday February 10, 2011. ***

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Added by Regus on November 19, 2010


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