1199 9th Avenue at Lincoln
San Francisco, California 94122

It's Not Over: They still plan to SPRAY us!

Find out more about the USDA/CDFA moth spray plans from experts and your elected officials at the . . .

San Francisco Town Hall Meeting

Thursday, May 8th - 7:00 pm

Brought to you by San Franciscans Concerned About the Spray

with Sponsors: Senator Carole Migden, Supervisor Ross Mirkarimi, Stop the Spray, CASS-SF, and Play Not Spray

Country Fair Building (Hall of Flowers) in Golden Gate Park
9th Avenue and Lincoln Way - at the Strybing Arboretum/SF Botanical Gardens

For more information go to www.sfspraytownhall.org

Free event. Free Parking. (No scented products, please)

There will be time for questions and answers, and for discussing how to halt this plan!

Please inform everyone you know in the Bay Area about this event--we are all in the spray zone!
Everyone welcome, including children.

Speakers include:

* Dr. James Carey, UC-Davis Entomologist

* Jeff Rosendale, Horticulturist and co-author with Dr. Daniel Harder of a paper on management of the LBAM

* Nan Wishner, Albany Integrated Pest Management Task Force

* Stacia Lansman, M.D.

* Helge Hellberg, Executive Director, Marin Organic

* Mike Lynberg, Silicon Valley Businessman who documented the adverse health reactions of Santa Cruz and Monterey residents after those regions were sprayed.

* John Russo, Farmer and Director, Stop the Spray

* Frank Egger, Former Mayor of Fairfax and Coordinator of Stop the Spray Marin

* State Senator Carole Midgen

* San Francisco Supervisor Ross Mirkarimi

Official Website: http://www.sfspraytownhall.org

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