3665 Cascade Rd Sw
Atlanta, Georgia 30331

Meditation gives you an experience, an inner state, where what is you and what is yours is separated. There is a little distance, there is a little space between what is you and what you have accumulated. For now we can understand this as meditation.

Isha Kriya is an opportunity to experience what it means to become meditative. Sadhguru says, “Just 1% of the population, if you make them meditative, you will have a different kind of world to live.”

Isha Kriya is a simple but powerful guided meditation designed by Sadhguru, which you can do anywhere. This meditation is an offering, a gift for your wellbeing and can be practiced by anyone. Daily practice of Isha Kriya will provide enhanced clarity, improved health, heightened focus and energy, and greater prosperity and a state of peacefulness and joy.
3/13/2013 - 10:00-11:45am
3/27/13 - 10:00-11:45 am
4/10/13 - 10:00-11:45am
4/24/13 - 10:00-11:45am

Contact: Deavin Hansford
Phone: 404-772-9899
Email: [email protected]

To learn more about Isha Foundation and Sadhguru
Visit us:

How to Attain Inner Peace?
Click here:

What is Meditation?
Click here:

Official Website: http://www.innerengineering.com/SadhguruLive

Added by Isha Foundation USA on March 5, 2013