In today's world of open source, cheap computing power and API's, it's not if you can build it, but should you build it. The #1 startup killer is running out of time to "figure it out" before you get traction. Lean product development is the methodology that allowed companies like; PayPal, Yelp and Aardvark to pivot into their market to become a dominate player. There is a science behind the approach.
To increase your probabilities of succeeding as a startup, Dan will discuss:
-customer development
-feature prioritization
-split testing
-product metrics
-agile development
Come around 9:15 to register and grab a coffee and a seat before. Dan kicks things off at 9:30 am.
Continental Breakfast will be provided.
About Dan Martell:
Dan Martell is the co-founder of, a social marketing platform for small businesses. An award-winning Canadian entrepreneur, at 25, Dan formed his first start-up, Spheric Technologies Inc., and watched it grow by an average of 152% per year before he sold the company 4 years later in mid-2008.
Now living in San Francisco, Martell spends the majority of his time looking at ways to build a bridge between Silicon Valley and his home province of New Brunswick. As an informal angel investor, he is active in advising entrepreneurs using metric-based marketing tactics to gain market adoption.
Martell is passionately involved in facilitating micro-lending to entrepreneurs in developing countries through the non-profit,
Added by bootup on May 11, 2010