Bandung, West Java

Make your meetings so successful that your attendees will look forward to the next one!

If you have too many meetings that are unproductive and unnecessary, unfocused and repetitive, or just too long and seem to go nowhere, this seminar will show you how to take charge, create enthusiasm and energy—and make every meeting matter.
How You Will Benefit

* Develop a goals-focused and realistic agenda
* Increase the effective use of all available business resources
* Improve intra-organizational communication and bolster morale
* Lead and facilitate meetings more effectively, including remote meetings
* Encourage and increase participation by all attendees

What You Will Cover

* Identifying the most common pitfalls in meetings
* Understanding different meeting types: with direct reports, peers, or next-level/upper management
* Scoping the meeting: understand and connect with attendees using EQ principles
* Applying PEARLS Method: Purpose, Expectations, Agenda, Resources, Limits and Scope
* Tips for being a more effective meeting leader
* Developing and using ground rules for meetings
* Planning meetings systematically and creating strong and compelling agendas
* The steps to follow for facilitating meetings
* Applying facilitation skills to ensure active participation and control disruption
* Evaluating meetings and creating an action plan for their improvement

Who Should Attend

Anyone who conducts meetings and wants to apply proven techniques to create energy, enthusiasm and the structure necessary to make meetings work more effectively and productively.
Extended Training Description

Learning Objectives

* Use the Meeting Assessment Tool to Determine the Optimal Type of Meeting for a Specific Situation
* Develop a Results-Oriented, Timed Agenda
* Prepare a Strategy for Energizing Meetings in Your Organization

Choosing a Meeting Type

* Calculate the Cost of Ineffective Meetings
* Describe Situations Where a Meeting May Not be Necessary
* List Alternatives to Calling a Meeting

Developing Agendas

* List the Elements of an Effective Agenda
* Evaluate an Agenda and Propose Ways to Improve Its Effectiveness
* List the Key Roles for Successful Meetings
* Develop a Results-Oriented, Timed Agenda

Strategies for Effective Meetings

* Describe Tips for Incorporating Technology into Meetings
* Establish Meeting Ground Rules to Improve the Quality of Meetings in Your Organization
* List Strategies for Controlling a Meeting Nemesis
* Describe Strategies for Injecting Fun into Meetings

Official Website:

Added by training.focus on March 17, 2009

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