Livermore Common
Fremont, California 94539

Overview : There are over 19 million Hispanic employees in the American workforce. Approximately 50% are Spanish dominant and prefer to speak Spanish at home and in the workplace. Hispanic employees have an enviable work ethic. Unfortunately, the overwhelming majority of Hispanic team leaders, supervisors and front line employees receive minimal professional training, and as a result, they often lack the skills to develop into successful leaders.

First generation, non-English fluent Hispanic employees prefer to learn in their native language. Even though they may have a basic knowledge of English, when given a choice, they favor Spanish as the language of instruction. There is a considerable difference between teaching ESL (English as A Second Language) and Leadership Skills concepts. Teaching a language leads to improving conversational skills. Teaching ideas and skills in their native tongue leads to improved behavioral changes in the workplace. It makes good business sense to reach the hearts and minds of Spanish-speaking team leaders and supervisors in the language they know intimately.

Why should you attend: There are very few leadership skills training programs that are specifically designed for the workplace needs of Hispanic employees. As a result, many lack the effective leadership skills required to lead successful teams.
Hispanic Team Leaders and Supervisors are the crucial link between the Spanish speaking production employees and English speaking management team. They must deal with two sets of cultures and language requirements. It's essential to provide them with the leadership tools they need to succeed.

Areas Covered in the Session:
Essential Skills of Leadership
Providing Effective and Constructive Feedback
Conflict Resolution Skills
Sexual Harassment Prevention

Who Will Benefit:
HR Managers
Plant Managers
Production Managers
Spanish speaking Team Leaders
Front Line Employees

Official Website:

Added by Russel Stuart on February 11, 2013

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