1 Marilyn Street
Manorville, New York 11949

Essential Holistics is proud to present Ms Monica Bennett who will be presenting a Lecture and Slide Show on the "Law of Attraction - The Positive Mind".

Monica has taken extensive training and workshops with many masters, such as Carolyn Myss, Cheryl Richardson, Deepak Chopra, Anthony Robbins, Wayne Dyer, Christian Northrop, Louise Hay, and most recently has worked with Bob Proctor from the movie and book “The Secret”. She became a certified LifeSuccess Consultant under his mentorship.

She earned a bachelors degree in Naturopathy in 2000 from Clayton College and will be completing her Doctorates degree this year.

She is a certified reflexologist from The Open Center in Manhattan, and continue training and learning new procedures in this practice.
She also has studied the Silva Method, The Sedona Method, Pycho-Cypernitics and many other techniques to enhance and chance the patterns of the mind to erase the negative influences that we have been programmed to believe.

Added by mrtawild1 on February 17, 2009