5940 SW Hood Ave
Beaverton, Oregon 97239

Lavender Open House, American College of Healthcare Sciences--Join ACHS and Master Gardener Erika Yigzaw for this unique hands-on workshop where we will learn about the different varieties of lavender, how to grow lavender, and the potential health benefits of lavender. Harvest your own fresh lavender from the garden for use in herbal preparations, lavender wands, sleep pillows, or to dry as a colorful, aromatic bouquet. Participants will also have the opportunity to explore the ACHS Botanical Teaching Garden. Space is limited; RSVP early to (503) 244-0726 or email [email protected]. July 20, 11 am-2 pm. American College of Healthcare Sciences, 5940 SW Hood Ave., Portland OR 97239.

Added by Australasian College on June 27, 2011