31 W Ohio
Chicago, Illinois 60610

Opening reception: Thursday, February 4th at 6 pm
Instituto Cervantes Gallery
Exhibit will run until March 31st; Free Admission
The exhibit “Resiliencia”, organized by the Instituto Cervantes and in collaboration with AECID and PHotoEspaña, presents various works from 10 young artists who participated in the 2009 edition of PHE Discoveries in Latin America. The works in this exhibit present diverse perspectives on society and its ability to adapt and survive while being affected by continuous fluctuations. In Latin America, these creative processes come about in the midst of social, economic, and political turmoil. “Resiliencia” presents the work of professionals who are exploring the changes happening all around them, as well as reflecting on the role of image in our society.

Added by ellerbeans on January 18, 2010