Haidian District
Beijing, Beijing

Time: 2008/8/5-2008/8/7
Venue: Haidian Theater
Price: 50/80/100/180/280/580
Tel: 86-10-64177845
Web: http://www.piao.com.cn/en_piao/ticket_2036.html

For other performances: http://www.piao.com.cn/en_piao/allticket.asp

Included in the grand cultural events during Beijing Olympics

Performed by China National Opera and Dance Drama Company

1. Orchestra and Chorus: Good Days

2. Night of Ulan Bator Grassland

3. Bamboo Flute: Herdsmen's Song

4. Erhu Solo: The Moon Reflected in the Er-quan Spring

5. Folk Songs: Road to Heaven; Tibetan Plateau

6. Erhu and Orchestra: Early Spring in the South

7. Female Chorus: Bright Red chinese Date, Ode to the Yimeng Mountains, There is Always Love Everywhere

8. Gaohu-Two-stringed Fiddle Solo: Butterfly Lovers Fantasia

9. Original Ecologic Song: Glowing Red Morningstar Lilies

10. Jinghu (a Chinese bowed string instrument) and Drum: Night Thoughts

11. Female Solo and Ensemble: Ode to Motherland

Official Website: http://www.piao.com.cn/en_piao/allticket.asp

Added by One Night in Beijing China on July 10, 2008